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Halan Home Revamp

Personalizing Halan super app homepage according to the user's profile and adding a Hub for presenting all Halan's services in one place

About Halan's Homepage

The fact that Halan is a Super-app, the homepage is the most important real-estate in the app, as it holds the entry points for all Halan services, used as a storefront for the latest updates, features, offers, ... etc. Moreover, as it's the page the new user lands on after signing up, it gives the newly registered user an overview of what Halan is all about and what are the provided services they can benefit from.



The homepage wasn't customizable in order to shorten the time of task on hand, by being an easy access for the relevant actions a user needs to take according to their profile, by profile here I mean that the services a user is opted-in or frequently use, are used to categorize the user base into profiles. The homepage was unified for all users, whatever the service a user use or opt-in, all users will see the same view with little to no personalization. Just a static page that doesn't reflect on the user persona/profile, either a user saved money in Halan Savings, has a Consumer Finance Credit Limit, took a Business Loan, or whatever the provided service the user is in will see the same view with the same status that doesn't reflect anything about the user's profile.


Categorizing the user base into profiles/personas and designing a personalized homepage view for each profile that makes the homepage a collection of easy access entry points for all the relevant actions, offers and updates that this cohort would relate to, ending up with anything needs to be done, is 1-2 clicks away from the homepage.

Old Homepage

As previously mentioned, the pre-revamp homepage had little to no customizations available. Only sorting the order for Β sections, banners and dynamic widgets for some pre-defined user profiles in the database.



The Challenge

Because of the multiple services that Halan super-app offers and a user might be opting-in multiple services at the same time, it was challenging how to easily switch between the services or by another meaning the balances. Moreover, determining the relevant actions, services or features a user from a specific profile might be interested in, so that we can apply a higher weight for this relevant component to that profile of users.


Designing the homepage experience in a way that if a single user is opted-in multiple services, they should easily view and access these services, as well as showing the related info for the selected service, for example the balance, actions, latest offers,...etc


Identifying the relevant features or services for each profile and giving them a higher weight in this profile's homepage to be easily discovered.

Users Behaviour

The historical data for the behavior of users from each profile was strongly relied on, to drive the personalization of each profile through identifying:

  1. The secondary services/features used along with the main service the profile is opted-in, to know which services/features will be coupled together.
  2. The main entry points each profile use for navigating around the app.
  3. The conversion rates for the banners vs dynamic widgets on the homepage.


Banners vs. Widgets as entry points


Users' profiles

Segmenting users base into profiles according to the most used / opted-in service and identifying their engagement/clicks on the app.

Below insights are for a 6 months time span from June 2023 - December 2023


The Solution

Introducing a personalized homepage that reflects the user profile, highlighting the financial service balance, status, updates and actions at the top of the page, along with a list of relevant actions for each balance, so that a user would be 1 click away from any action related to the selected balance.


Fresh Look

Introducing a branded blurry gradient with a new set of icons as well as containing UI elements into white widgets/containers. All to give the app a fresh look and a modern feeling.

Hero Balance

For users who are already opted-in one more financial services, a hero balance component appears at the top of the page, with the availability to easily switch between already opted-in services or apply for a new financial service from the same place. Moreover, actions that dynamically change with each balance selected.

New Users

For newly registered users, who don't have any services yet. The carousel banners appears as the first component, for them to see all Halan's new offers, updates, announcements, ...etc at a glimpse, in addition to a grid of 8 dynamic widgets as entry points for the most used services in the app, because the dynamic widgets have proven that users rely on them heavily for the navigating the app according to the previous behavioral analytics.

New Homepage Anatomy

We made sure not to dramatically change the entry points and navigation components, that Halan users are familiar with while using the app. So, no new learning curve for active users and better experience for new users.

Active Components

Automatically updated components upon users interactions. For example, if a user added products in Shop's or Gomla's cart, the commerce widget in the homepage will display the shopping cart to remind the user about their cart.

Status Tracker

Continuing on the experience of live updates and acting on the user's actions, we introduced the Status Tracker. Enabling users to track any orders they made or application they applied on, from the status tracker component on the homepage, either they made an order from Halan Shop or Gomla, applied for Halan Card or a credit limit, all these actions have updates and status the user should be informative of and track them, to know where it's standing now and when it's expected to finish or receive.

Halan Hub

Single place for all Halan services. Replaced the settings tab with Halan Hub and migrating the account settings into the Hub.

Impact Overview

Personalized Experience

A personalized homepage according to you the user's interests and behaviour on the app. Tailoring the content and recommendations, making the app more relevant and enjoyable.


Streamlining the task on hand by acting upon user needs and preferences, reducing the time spent searching for features or services.

Fresh Look

Providing a visually appealing interface that gives the app an up-to-date and professional feel. While, enhancing the ease of use, making the experience even simpler than before, for users to navigate and accomplish tasks.

Dynamic Components

Live and dynamic components, that acts on and update while the user interacts and use the app. Increasing the credibility and trust in Halan app by leveraging the transparency and showing the system status, so that the user is informed by his/her status or financial balance on the app.

The Team

Shout-out to the amazing Product Design team at Halan who worked on this project together to deliver such an delightful experience. This project would never be as amazing as it now without all of you and especially under the lead of Omar Montasser, the incredible Product Design Lead at Halan.


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